Thanks everyone for the recommendations! And sorry for the delay!
I've been working on some BIG stuff for the blog. BIG! HUGE! And finding World Peace and stuff!
Pretty much ever since moving to NYC, you realize people are OBSESSED with where to live next. No matter how much they may like current digs; you're looking for your next deal, more cabinet and a washer/dryer IN your unit. Aah, well one could wish.
And because Mr. Broad read up about Park Slope of the tree-lined streets and the Brownstones giving it the Cosby Show feel...
Well, it was time to check out the Park Slope for our possible next move.
560 5th Avenue
Yeah I realize that reviewing one restaurant shouldn't dictate whether or not we move to an area... But work with me here. A large open restaurant with an open kitchen; it had a warm feel to it. But perhaps from eating at too many restaurants in Manhattan, may I add they really could have utilized more table space. About 8 tables total?? Is this what Park Slope is like!? Just lots of open space and no tables squeezed in??
We get a table and place our order right away.
Bean Dip with tortilla chips and bacon
Mr. Broad asked the waitress if we should get the dip with bacon. Really?? Like there was any question? Mr. Broad suffering from a pretty bad cold and lack of smell, couldn't taste much of the dip. However after discussing, I couldn't really taste much of it either. The bacon really overpowered the dip and the bean portion while creamy in texture. Bland.
I went for a basic Cheeseburger. (Cheddar- the only way to go)
A good value at $10 (included fries)... but don't be fooled by the picture. The bun is not fully on top of the burger creating the illusion that it was much larger than it was. In actuality, it was a burger that looked like it got manhandled too many times into a thin pounding of meat.
And medium rare? I think not.
Even the burger looks like it's frowning.
Bahn - De
Classic Vietnamese sandwich with marinated grilled pork chops with pate, carrots, cucumbers, cilantro, and mayo on baguette.
Quite possibly the largest sandwich we've ever seen; it trumped my burger-- both in taste and size. Lot of flavors going on here which was perfect because half of this was coming home for lunch the next day.
Mr. Broad and I talked about Park Slope. Did we like what we saw? Eh. We stood on the platform not thoroughly impressed -- mainly with the restaurant.
Rating: 5 (Mr. Broad re-read my post after first thinking it was a '6' but saw the sad burger proclaimed it a 4)
And then in a fury to text a
friend about Park Slope, I grabbed my second true love out of my purse. Scramble, Fiddle...
Dropped it.
Park Slope. Fail.
And now. That's how I feel about Park Slope.