Saturday, November 7, 2009

A stop over in Fortaleza...

In order to get to our next destination we needed to head to Fortaleza to catch a bus from there. It's the only way to get to Jericoacara and we're mavericks like that.

We had a connecting flight to Fortaleza since Fernando is really in the middle of nowhere and killed some time in between at Recife airport.

Note to Rio: I know you are hosting an Olympics in like 7 years so perhaps you should take a look at Recife's airport because you have a lot of work to do...

Recife Airport (I know, I'm really stretching with this post here)
The servers at one of their restaurants are on roller skates! How cool!

Introducing Brazil's version of McDonald's.
Bob's Burger.

Mr. Broad had to try some. I watched instead. It looked to be a pretty grey and nasty burger if I do say so myself. Mr. Broad added words like dry and flavorless.

And I had to take a picture of this store because I thought it meant pregnant monkey.
It didn't. It's a type of monkey according to Wikipedia.

Yeah we had time to kill. And then we got to Fortaleza. I don't have too many pictures of that city if that should tell you something. That and once we got back from Fernando de Noronha Mr. Broad and I thought how can any other beach stack up?! (Oh we were mistaken after our next destination).

Fortaleza isn't bad by any means- a kinda Miami Beach strip once we got out of the BAD area (Why is that always near the airport?) And their main strip has a nightly street market.
Oh how I love a good street market...

Next up Jericoacoara...
Oh just wait.


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