Lunch with Thomas Keller. Kinda.
So while Mr. Broad and I were strolling along the street of New York City, desperately trying not to slip, we decided to go to Time Warner Center. It's actually an indoor mall (a MALL! like the suburbs!) with two of the best (well, most expensive) restaurants in all of New York City.
While we really wanted to just SEE where the famed Masa and Per Se were, we got stopped visually. By a different place I have been dying to try.
Ten Columbus Circle (3rd floor)
Bouchon Bakery is part of the Thomas Keller umbrella of restaurants. It is exponentially easier to get into (you don't even need a reservation!) opposed to French Laundry or Per Se which can easily take a year, even though you can only book 2 months in advance.
So Bouchon Bakery is "lower scale" and has more of the french pastries, salads, and sandwiches but with slightly increased prices for you to realize it's better quality. Because higher prices = better food, right??
There is a to-go pastry counter where you can get more pastries and some other pre-made items. But you KNOW Mr. Broad and I had to sit down.
Bouchon Bakery is in the middle of the mall on the 3rd floor. You get a pretty good view of everything and directly over Columbus Circle, however, Mr. Broad kept commenting how he just can't get over the "you are eating at mall" feel. Which was fine. But keep in mind this wasn't Five Guys prices and was pretty "open".
Mr. Broad right away went for the "special":
Pork 3 ways.
Pork 3 ways.
Waitress: And our last special is Pork 3 ways.
Mr. Broad (with an evil grin on): Oooh
Waitress: I take it you like pork?
Mr. Broad: (sarcastically) Slightly. Can you explain the "three ways."
Mr. Broad (with an evil grin on): Oooh
Waitress: I take it you like pork?
Mr. Broad: (sarcastically) Slightly. Can you explain the "three ways."
Waitress: Well, there is trotter, crispy skin over mache, and rillettes. And the way I describe the last one, is if you are familiar with tuna fish it has a similar texture to that.
Mr. Broad: Yes, please.
Mr. Broad: Yes, please.

Me, however, I got a sandwich.
Smoked turkey with apple butter on pecan bread. Now there's a flavor you don't get much of- apple butter. The sandwich was not on their website so I wonder if this is more of a seasonal item, but man does apple butter get underutilized as a condiment. It was a very nice pairing with the smoked turkey. It also came with mixed green salad on the side.

So those familiar with Bouchon Bakery, know the main things they specialize in. I mean when the word Bakery is in the title, you have to try their guest of honor. While they have some pastries that you can get sitting down, this is one place you order with your eyes. Oh and big eyes they were.
I'll have one of those flourless chocolate cakes in the middle there.

And because every pastry deserved their picture taken:

We brought the 3 pastries to our friend's house, "The Italianos", for dinner that night where we were all judges. While all visually appeasing some had their favorites. Mrs. Italiano enjoyed the large oreo cookie in a shape of a Christmas Tree. I must concur, if there was a way to mass produce this cookie Bouchon would have a run for Nabisco's money. Being the peanut butter fan I am, the nutter butter cookie was one of my favorites. The chocolate cake, while eaten by all, was a bit dry for my liking- often how I imagine a flourless cake turns out.
Bouchon Bakery is a very low key place to get a sandwich, a pastry, or coffee. Sit back and relax from all that shopping you've done at and enjoy the view of Columbus Circle while sipping your espresso. Get an over priced salad or sandwich and then enjoy a nice dessert. While this place is good if you are in the area, next time I'm heading straight to the dessert counter for some slightly less pricy pastries. Their pastries change often so we'll see what Valentine's Day bring. Oh but Mr. Keller, mind selling that apple butter? Thanks.
Bouchon Bakery is a very low key place to get a sandwich, a pastry, or coffee. Sit back and relax from all that shopping you've done at and enjoy the view of Columbus Circle while sipping your espresso. Get an over priced salad or sandwich and then enjoy a nice dessert. While this place is good if you are in the area, next time I'm heading straight to the dessert counter for some slightly less pricy pastries. Their pastries change often so we'll see what Valentine's Day bring. Oh but Mr. Keller, mind selling that apple butter? Thanks.
Grade: B
Has Mr. Broad been to Hong Kong? Some of the best restaurants in HK are located in malls, which is totally bizarre and we thought it was weird while we were there too but we got used to it. It's totally odd sitting in a nice dim sum restaurants staring at the people walking in the mall and running to the underground!
Hi Mrs Broad--
I'm a friend and colleague of ELee.She directed me to your blog and I have to admit I am very entertained and enlightened. My wife and I live in DC. I think you BLOG has inspired us to start our own to capture eats of the DC area.
Anyways...To comment on your Lunch with Thomas Keller..sort of.
My wife and I were fortunate enough to eat at Per Se for FREE. I'm long time friends with the sommelier there and he treated us to a 10 course tasting/pairing. It was a delight for all senses!
We felt extremely special after finding out the prie fix is $280 pp.
We are going to NYC this weekend and may try some of your picks!
Wow! A free dinner at Per Se?! Sounds like a real treat!!
Wine sommelier sounds like a good person to know!
Thanks for the blog kudos :)
Have fun in NYC this weekend- let me know if you need any other suggestions!
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