Monday, December 1, 2008

No Visuals but Plenty of Excuses...

So I know you have all been on edge just WAITING to see all the yummy places that Mr. Broad and I have been to recently. And I tried. However, the blogging g-ds were against me.

1) My computer's battery charger dohicky decided to not want to work. AT ALL. SO I WAS WITHOUT A COMPUTER.
Have no fear, I clearly filled the time with lots of family and other necessary items like Twilight, New Moon, and Eclipse (OMG BELLA AND EDWARD 4EVA!!!!) Because I am now a 16 year old girl and slightly obsessed with that series.

2) Mr. Broad's computer was insanely slow and not allowing pictures to get uploaded. Which I think he was secretly happy about because it provided more justification on why he needs a new computer.

3) I decided to post the food pics I have taken over the past week at work today. However in the elevator on the way down Mr. Broad astutely mentioned to me that the cord I thought was my camera cord was actually my iPod charger. GAAAAH!!!
*Note to blog world: If anyone can come up with some type of cord/plug/charger that works for all devices then PLEASE SEND MY WAY. I'm sure something like this exists in Japan. Discuss.

*Second note to blog world: If instead you have a better invention for the umbrella, I will take that over any universal cord...

So since I have no pictures but a lot of posts just ready to get published ALL AT THE SAME time once I upload the pictures so it's going to look like we went to 15 restaurants in 2 days which we did NOT DO... I figured I'd list some of the restaurants that are coming up as a tease. In no order:




Max Brenner: Chocolate by the Bald Man

Blue Smoke



BLT Prime

Additionally. Mr. Broad and I are taking recommendations. What are your favorite NYC eats? I am adding it to the very bottom of the blog so we will know we need to check it in the future. While we have our handly guide of Zagat like every other knowledgeable New Yorker, we want to know your personal recommendations.

Feel free to add to the comments or email me. But no really, comment.


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