GUESS WHO GOT A NEW CAMERA!! AND GUESS WHAT?! It has a FOOD setting!! Yippeeee!!! PS- WHY do they not sell a camera with an MEMORY card?! Isn't that like selling a TV without the remote? Ponder this.
Okay, onto the restaurant.
Mr. Broad and I have been very blessed with friends that understand how much we enjoy going out to dinner. We have received some very nice gifts in the form of restaurant gift cards to enjoy some of New York City's finest.
Gramercy Tavern has a front room, the Tavern and a back room, the Dining room. They both have different menus with the tavern focusing more on upscale bistro food and does not take any reservations. The Dining room is reservations only, with a fixed menu pricing, and jackets are preferred. We had reservations in the Dining Room.
42 East 20th Street
Called, "the epitome of special occasion restaurant" I almost felt like I should have told the server that it was our anniversary. It seemed just too decadent to go there "just cause." I got over that real fast though. And we both got the tasting menu which they change out with the seasons.
Having done a tasting at the much talked about
Momofuku Ko, Mr. Broad and I found ourselves comparing the two. Here, however, service was just impeccable. They changed all of the silverware and plates with each course to the point where I told Mr. Broad I would hate to be the dishwasher guy at this restaurant.
Onto the food cause this one is a long one... with several surprise items not listed on the menu!
First off- an amuse bouche
Potato puffed over a black olive: Let it be known, I don't even LIKE olives. Mr. Broad convinced me to try it and that it doesn't even taste like an olive. I caved and well, what a pleasant starter bite!
Citrus Cured Artic Char
Me: Isn't artic char just a fancy word for salmon??
Mr. Broad: No it's an actual fish...
Me: Riight.
One of my favorite dishes, although I found myself saying that a lot. The inside was filled with grapefruit cured with a lemony zest.
The inside which was the lemon grapefruity goodness. Sluuurp.
Chilled Asparagus and Nettle Soup
Crispy Oysters and Pickled Rams
Mr. Broad is allergic to oysters. We came to this conclusion after several unpleasant "just-let-me-try-one-more" experiences. uh, FAIL. Mr. Broad got his soup without the fried oyster in the middle, however, this did not stop him from exclaiming that he could LIVE ON THIS SOUP. EVERY MEAL. Okay. so this was his favorite. And I might add he missed one hell of a fried oyster on top. And again, I DON'T EVEN LIKE OYSTERS!
Smoked Trout
Cippollini Puree and Pickled Onion Vinaigrette
The waiter stopped by and told us this was the chef's signature dish. And maybe some other stuff but I didn't hear because I was too busy trying to get the last bit of the cippollini onion puree. Those pretty red circles were probably my favorite addition of the tasting- pickled onions.
Fluke, Sugar Snap Peas, Wild Rice and American Caviar
A pretty rustic addition to the tasting, it had American caviar on top. I'm not a caviar guru but it provided a salty taste to the fluke. And sugar snap peas hidden underneath the fluke? I LOVE. Mr. Broad and I go to the Greenmarket on many Saturdays to buy seasonal produce from local farmers. I have heard that the chefs at all the restaurants get many of their ingredients there as well. Which I'm SURE I purchased the same sugar snap peas from the same stand they did. Wow, do I have such good taste.
Rack of Veal and Braised Deckle
Morels, Heirloom Beans and Garlic Scapes
Yeah, we were getting full but we soldiered on. With veal like this you HAD to. And what is deckle you ask? I could have sworn it was pork belly but it is a fatty part of brisket. Honestly, it's just goodness.
I know, what you are thinking. Mrs. Broad! Morels!? Isn't that *gasp!?* Mushrooms?! Yes, yes, it is. But we were at Gramercy Tavern. And after MUCH coaxing I tried one. Only one but I had to. And I'm afraid to admit. It wasn't thaat bad. However, after that I stuck to the veal and beans.
Strawberry Sorbet with some cracker underneath
This wasn't on the menu so all surprises on tasting menus are highly encouraged!
And strawberry sorbet- a nice palate cleanser if I do say so myself.
Now it was time for dessert. We were given our choice- chocolate or fruit. Before the waiter could even go into what the two options were I gave a snarky "Hah! this is easy".
The waiter laughed but still gave his strawberry rhubarb tart a plug. I didn't even hear what the chocolate option was, I was tuned out.
And then came our desserts. SURPRISE! Our waiter had seen how "into" our food we were (ie- he caught me taking pictures!!!) that he brought out the fruit dessert as well. Thank you waiter, you earned your tip.
Strawberry rhubarb something:
Okay, is it possible? I *may* have liked this over the chocolate dessert?! I mean the chocolate dessert was GOOD and even GREAT... but this tart... wow. And the strawberry (or rhubarb??) ice cream on the side was awesome.
Fruit desserts= Underrated.
Chocolate mouse with some salty cracker or something.
Good but um, if at all possible the cracker was too bland for me. I think it needed to be a bit more salty? Or something? Eh who cares. Choooocolaaate... NOM NOM NOM...
JUST when you think it's done. You're not.
Wow. Surprise!!
From left to right- a chocolate pudding tart, a caramel something of chocolate and a strawberry macaroon bite.
And then on the other plate, chocolate covered toffee and some other strawberry chocolate something. Wine was in effect and I was in a food coma. What do you expect??
Just some chocolates/small bites to ponder while you DIGEST YOUR CHECK. Holy...
All very good, but who could taste any of this at this point??
And my favorite little touch--
For the next morning, a coffee cake streusel muffin.
I mean what can I say?? Eating at Gramercy Tavern I can't see happening on a regular basis, or even a yearly basis... Although I wouldn't complain, just maybe on someone else's credit card?? Mom, Dad coming up anytime soon?? Eating at Gramercy, though, isn't just about the food- it's about the experience. While Ko was absolutely fantastic, the food at Gramercy paired with the experience really made Mr. Broad and I feel transported back to a different era of hospitality. It's not even an "old" restaurant but has the charm, feel and oh yeah damn good food.
And might I add they also have vintage beers??
Rating: 10