Asian Food Does Not all Taste like Thai. An Introduction to Korean Food.
So before I get to all things fourth of July... and our food ventures.
Let me rewind to 2 weeks ago when I picked up my latest electronic toy..
Yes, Mr. and Mrs. Broad got the... wait for it...
Aaah, we are such yuppies.
I could write a whole post about the iPhone itself (and how I do NOT know how to use it!?) but that will have to wait for another time.
After I picked up my new iPhone and completely became a 100% bonafide sucker for Apple, Mr. Broad and I wanted a quick/cheapish dinner in Union Square. So we used our new downloaded application called urban spoon and shook the phone and it spit out a recommendation!
This is life changing I am telling you.
28 East 18th Street
"What do you have against Korean food?" ...Mr. Broad has asked me numerous times.
Nothing really, I don't think I had tried much of it. So because we were so hungry after AT&T took FOREVER (sorry, Sprint, it was time)... I succumbed.
Bi Bim Bap (Chicken)
7 types of organic vegetables mixed with rice, a fried egg, and spicy sauce.
Served in a hot stone bowl
Does this look like a bird's nest to anyone but me?? Okay this rocked. Rice, a bunch of vegetables, some noodles I wasn't familiar with, sprouts(??), chicken... all served in a hot, hot stone bowl. The bowl kept cooking the rice causing it to stick to the bottom making the rice nice and crisp. The stone was so smokin' that it caused the chicken to become a bit dry. But I could deal.
I've had kimchee before but I didn't realize that Korean food often comes with many side dishes. While I may not have liked them all it was still fun to try and well, take a picture of!
Spicy Pepper Pork
It was good and as you can tell came with it's own mini side dishes. Is that how all Korean food is served? Or is that how it was at this restaurant? I asked Mr. Broad for feedback and he gave me a generic "it was great." That's what I get for interrupting him while he is playing on his iPhone.
So my first non kimchee Korean food experience. Mr. Broad had in me a convert. For those that don't know, Kimchee is fermented chili cabbage and is what I would call an "acquired" taste. Of course Mr. Broad has acquired such taste. I, on the other hand, have not been so lucky. I guess it's like eating the California Rolls of sushi-- I play it safe. The meal was quick with lots of "fun" side dishes which made me excited until I realized yes, one was kimchee. Oh what are you going to do- I'd go back but for now I'm playing with my iPhone.
Rating 7
I love korean food! Next time you are down here please let chrommie take you to our favorite korean place, sorak garden
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