Sunday, August 9, 2009

Scenes from Yankee Stadium

... subtitled: Hip Hip Jorge!!

I was born into a Yankee family. Even with four years at a University in (gasp!) Boston, I came back to my family wearing my Yankee navy blue hat.
Okay truth be told, the hat has only come out when they were doing really, really well. But now that I am in NYC again, I'm happy to now say Go Yanks!

The Yankees and the Mets both got new stadiums this season cause well, they are New York and all. So when Mr. Broad and I got asked to our first Yankee game... it was time to dust off the hat!

The big bragging rights at stadiums is the quality of the food. I didn't do one of these "sample all the food" type of thing cause it was a Tuesday night and uh, the prices don't exactly have a salary cap on it. (Poor baseball joke, I know.)

But I still took the pictures:

Lobel's Carving station:
How often do you see a carving station and people curing meat at a baseball station? I don't. Lobel's is a top notch butchery in the city and been around forever. I have never been but this picture tells me that Mr. Broad and I will have to make a visit.

Living in New York City, they are not afraid to let you know how many calories you are inhaling. I think the rule is if you have more than 8 restaurants in the city then you have to post the calorie count. Nothing like taking the picture to really turn you away from NEVER EATING AGAIN.
Popcorn. Check out the Souvenir bucket.

Garlic Fries.
And this is what we did eat. Calorie counter: 300 and we shared them! Woot! They were good, obviously garlicy and kind of stuck with you a little afterwards- like all 9 innings.

Don't you worry, I did watch some of the game.
My proof:

The stadium was fun, the food was good and best of all... the Yankees Won!!
Who they played, however, I still don't remember...


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